Village Green
122 Fortis Green RoadLondon
N10 3HN

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Fifties pub initially named after the famous television pioneer - John Baird; the first broadcasts were made from nearby Alexandra Palace. A stack of old TV sets recognises this but in 2020 the pub has been operarted by Laines who changed the name to Village Green in homage to more recent local celebrities - The Kinks.
Recently Pride and Boltmaker have been the regulars confirmed by the pub. In addition there are 8 keg lines from Laines and guests.
The decor might be described as unusual with tin baths hanging from the ceiling! You enter into a large bar space with seating heading off to both sides - to the left-hand sides it in effect enters a separate space which is used for events. Both sides lead to the very large garden which has booths and an upper area.