North London

St Mary’s Brewery Social

Tuesday 11 September 2018 19:30

(7.30) St Mary’s Brewery, The Crypt, St Mary’s Church, Elsworthy Rd, NW3 3DJ (limited numbers);

(9pm) Washington, 50 Englands Lane, London, NW3 4UE ;

9.45pm Sir Richard Steele, 97 Haverstock Hill, Belsize Park, NW3 4RL.

10.30pm George, 250 Haverstock Hill, Belsize Park, NW3 2AE. (Optional)

Something special this week, with a visit to a small independent brewery in a church crypt. Should be really interesting. All subsequent times are guesses.

It's straight up Primrose Hill Road to the Washington, a very fine large Victorian - historic interior. DB, Proper Job and Landlord + 1 changing. CM

Change of plan next as the Belrose hasn't got its real ale on yet. But there's another re-opening to check out at the Sir Richard Steele. Walk the length of England's lane and turn right down Haverstock Hill. Before refurb was a rather fascinating interior with shelves of books and various ornaments. Don't know if it's still the same. Adnams Broadside, Portobello Star + 1. Open to midnight.

Those who crave yet more excitement can get a 168 bus (or even walk) up Haverstock Hill to the George. Large, comfortable L-shaped bar. GK + 4 changing. CM.