North London

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Redemption Brewery celebrate their 10th Anniversary

Tuesday 3 October 2023

John Cryne reports:

On Thursday, 29 September 2023, a great evening was had by all at The Queen's Head in Acton Street, CAMRA North London's 2022 Pub of the Year to celebrate the Redemption Brewery's 10th Anniversary. There was only one small problem - Redemption was founded in 2010, being the first brewery in Tottenham for almost 100 years. But as Covid put a kibosh on a lot of other things, so it also scuppered the planned celebrations that would have been held in 2020. So this was a somewhat belated if much anticipated event..

This picture features founder Andy Moffat (in grey shirt on the left), next to him is Dom Barton from Redemption and next to him is Tash from Mother Kelly's/Queen's Head, the evening's hosts. The bar staff to the right of the pic feature as does our own Dave Marsh!Pictured: founder Andy Moffat (in grey shirt on the left). Next to him is Dom Barton from Redemption and next to him is Tash from Mother Kelly's/Queen's Head (the evening's hosts). The bar staff to the right of the pic feature as does our own Dave Marsh!

But, using the old adage it is never too late, friends gathered in the pub for a wonderful evening celebration where three cask beers from the brewery were being poured at a very fast rate. Redemption Trinity is a permanent at the Good Beer Guide listed Queen's Head and CAMRA members receive a 10% discount of all cask beers.

From left to right:  your's truly (John Cryne) raising a glass, next  Richard Dinwoodie  (grey shirt and braces) from Tap East Brewery, CAMRA Branch Chairman Colin Coyne, Dave Marsh (can't keep him out!), in blue shirt Mike Hill also from Tap East and very front right Andy Moffat and Dom Barton of Redemption.Pictured from left to right: yours truly (John Cryne) raising a glass. Next is Richard Dinwoodie (grey shirt and braces) from Tap East Brewery; CAMRA Branch Chairman Colin Coyne; Dave Marsh (can't keep him out!). In the blue shirt is Mike Hill also from Tap East and very front right Andy Moffat and Dom Barton of Redemption.

We look forward to the next 10 years - or perhaps I should say 7 and a bit years!